Tips to Successful Meal Prepping
What feels like the hardest part of meal prepping? Is it the time? The effort? The “I don’t know how?” Do you not like to eat the same meals everyday?
Meal prepping can be very intimidating for people! It can be a lot of work but I think a lot of times people over complicate it. I am here to tell you… it can be fun and easy! Below are a few tips to help make it a little less of a headache for you!
Tip #1: HAVE A PLAN. Make a grocery list before you go to the store. Think about the lay out of the grocery store and write according to the lay out and what you see when you first walk in. When you get home, lay it all out on the counter and see if you may have missed anything.
Tip #2: STICK to your grocery list! Unless you forget an item, remaining adamant to what you set out to buy avoids over spending and splurging!
Tip #3: Get a good set of prepping containers. Different sizes and shapes and colors make it more fun!
Tip #4: Choose 2-3 meals you will prep fully to be easy to grab and go. Sometimes I tell people, choose what ever meals or snacks feel the most out of control or hardest in your day. You sure do not need to prep ALL meals of the day.
Tip #5: Use easy recipes you are familiar with right away and you can get fancier as you get more familiar with prepping.
Tip #6: Start small, it doesn’t have to feel like you have every meal planned for. Just have the right amount of food and options in the fridge for other meals prepped.
Tip #7: Clean up as you go, or don’t. It is so normal to have a messy kitchen while doing this! Start with it clean, mess it up and enjoy it while you do! See below… I don’t clean until I am finished usually! I love the chaos!
Tip #8: Keep the basics on hand. Ex: fruits & veggies, rice, meat (frozen), nut butters, spices, nuts & seeds, chocolate, canned tuna, eggs, oils, etc. Each grocery store trip won’t feel like SO much each week if you keep staples on hand!
Tip #9: Add one thing on the list that you won’t feel guilty eating if you get a craving and something you feel like you can have portion control with. I LOVE chocolate of any kind and I usually have quite a bit on hand. Like… A lot a lot. Always. In my house, chocolate and sweets a staple!
Tip #10: Learn to enjoy it and not feel like it has to be a really hard process. Simplify it to what feels best for you and the way you like to do things. The more you can prep, the better results you will have throughout the week! Just think, it’s all done and you don't have to think about it the rest of the week!
This would be an example of having my food prepped with fruits and veggies cut up for easy access. Lunch, snack, and dinner is prepped and ready to grab!
If you need more tips and help getting started, I am only a click away! Never hesitate to reach out!
Happy prepping! Be sure to tag me in your meal prep posts!